Publications by Mary Kiemb

International Conferences

  1. Minwook Ahn, Jonghee W. Yoon, Yunheung Paek, Yoonjin Kim, Mary Kiemb, and Kiyoung Choi, “A spatial mapping algorithm for heterogeneous coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures,” Design, Automation and Test in Europe, Mar. 2006.
  2. Yoonjin Kim, Mary Kiemb, Chulsoo Park, Jinyong Jung, and Kiyoung Choi, “Resource sharing and pipelining in coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture for domain-specific optimization,” Design, Automation and Test in Europe, pp. 12-17, Mar. 2005.
  3. Mary Kiemb and Kiyoung Choi, “Memory and architecture exploration with thread shifting for processors in embedded systems,” International Conference on Compilers, Architectures and Synthesis for Embedded Systems, pp. 230-237, Sep. 2004.
  4. Mary Kiemb and Kiyoung Choi, “Application-specific configuration of multithreaded processor architecture for embedded applications,” IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 2004.
  5. Mary Kiemb and Kiyoung Choi, “Hybrid simulation for IP-based design,” International Workshop on Advanced LSIs - Scaled Device/Process, High Performance Circuits, pp. 27-31, Jul. 1999.

Domestic Conferences

  1. 김윤진, 마영란, 최기영, “Efficient design space exploration for domain-specific optimization of coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture”, 대한전자공학회 학술회의, pp. 19-24, 2005. 5.

Domestic Patents

  1. 최기영, 정진용, 마영란, 김윤진, 박철수, “리소스 공유 및 파이프라이닝 구성을 갖는 재구성가능 배열구조”, 한국, 재단법인서울대학교산학협력재단, 2005-02-07, 2005-0011451, 2007-05-21, 10-0722428.